Sunday, October 16, 2011


Wow! I thought yesterday would never end! Haha:) I went into town yesterday for like one hour and half to two hours and I thought that would never end but then we came home and  did concrete and laundry for the rest of the night until dinner and bed! That was such a long day!  But today,as in Sunday the 16.or October.., I think today won't be as long but maybe almost as yesterday! Ha! Man..I gotta get lookin' for my Math Binder! I was supposed to pass my  homework in on Fri. but I lost my binder that morning and it had my homework in it my textbook and some pages we are to keep! And I can't find I have just about everyone I know help look for it and my Math teacher is probably gonna kill me 'cause I cant find!! The title of the post is called 'Yawn :0) ' for a reason..The reason being? I'm really tired because it's only 7:42 in the morning!! Ha! I feel bad for the people who read my stupid crap I post!! :)

Hah,I gotta go..Buhbyeee:) ~ Chrissy~

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