Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Im just so sorry for the people who read my stupid crap..If any do;)

Yeah, I know I write stupid crap.Haha! But..all my post's are true and come from the real&&true mee!<3 Yepperdoddles. I know your thinkin' 'Yepperdoddles'? Yes,that's my word. I can be totally random and out of the blue but at the same time quiet and mysterious.Lol.I know no one says 'Lol' anymore,but who cares;p Okay,so far Im okay with one of my BESTFRIEND Kelsey moving away and that lunch and History won't be the same with out her but I Im get through it..as much as it hurts to type,and even think about,I really,truly am! Sorry Kels. 
      Man am I random! I don't think Im like everyone else. I mean,Im not popular,not many friends,I don't dress in the 'In-Style' clothing code..Whatever that is,anyways,I don't pay hundreds of dollars to buy jeans and t-shirts from stores,nor would I want too,that is!;p But I have a few great friends who I depend on and their soo pretty! And amazing! Oh,and did I mention that Im going to Florida over Thanksgiving week? Well,I am.And I am superydupery excited! But I don't get to see Kels when she comes up for a while! :( But I love Kelsey..as a friend,that is! I miss you! Hangout the moment you come up to Maine!:D